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Kerala Police

Kerala police is a citizen friendly police organisation – Women and Child related Services | Citizen Safety Services | Information Services ·

The State Cops is the law enforcement agency for the Indian state of Kerala. They had headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram, Department of State Police .

The state cops is the cops for the Indian state of Kerala. They has  head office in Thiruvananthapuram, the state resources. The motto of the force is “Mridhu Bhave Dhrida Kruthye” which indicates “Soft in Temperament, Firm in Action” in Sanskrit.

The state of Kerala is separated into two authorities areas, North Zone and South Area. There are 20 police districts in Kerala. All the authorities areas of our state are co-terminus with the limits of Profits areas other than six districts.

‘അപ്പയുടെ 13–ാം വിജയം; വികസന തുടർച്ചയ്ക്ക് പുതുപ്പള്ളിയോടൊപ്പം ഞാനും ഉണ്ടാകും’- ചാണ്ടി ഉമ്മൻ

UDF candidate Chandy Oommen says that Puthupally by-election victory is Appa's 13th victory. Chandy Oommen said that this is the victory of the people of Pudupally who loved Appa and thanks the voters of Pudupally. Chandi Oommen thanked…